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Traditions to Last a Lifetime

Food has been the most important way of keeping traditions alive. Raising children in a culture that is completely different from ones own is difficult. It is especially difficult when their roots are miles away from them and their day to day life is increasingly filled with a new culture. If Tamil food had not been brought along with migrants to Canada it is certain that the culture would not have thrived here. Traditional Tamil cuisine is the link keeping generations of migrants connected and in tune with their own ancestors, roots, and histories. Although breakfast and dinner items have changed Kamala and Rajeswary are adamant that lunch must consist of rice and curries everyday, exactly the same as in India and Sri Lanka. Tamil cuisine has kept this culture alive in a Western world. Parboiled rice has been and continues to be eaten with Sambar, Lentils, Eggplant Curry, Cabbage, and many other vegetarian side dishes. 


Not only is the serving of Traditional food an important part of sustaining culture but Gender Roles is also huge factor. Traditionally men went to work while women stayed home and took care of the household. This involved cooking three meals daily and taking care of the children. Although both Kamala and Rajeswary have moved from the times of strict stereotypical roles they continue to take it upon themselves to cook meals. Kamala continued to cook meals for her husband even though they had moved to Canada and Rajeswary continues to cook for her husband and kids regardless of the fact that she herself goes to work as well. Being the cook has been engraved into the identity of being a Tamil woman and that traditional role is one that is not likely to change soon. Rajeswary says that she enjoys this role and it is not seen as a burden from her point of view. The traditional Tamil woman is a part of her identity regardless of whether she is in a Westernized world or not.





A photo of Rajeswary's daughters in the 90's.

Source: ©RP

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